Pete Gardner

Inside Seer: The Cold Will Be Ramping Up Fast

December 28, 2019

By Pete Gardner

While the Holiday Season will be moving into January, most people will be traveling on the roads and highways.

Pete Gardner
Pete Gardner

In the Mid-Atlantic and the east coast, the weather might be rough. I’m sure the area will get some snow and ice storms along with all of the misery that comes along with it. I hope that you are prepared to deal with inclimate conditions and have your vehicles checked for safety and stocked with all the tools and materials you need. Some of you will probably be out on an emergency call to repair a heating unit sometime during this season. A well-prepared vehicle is essential to illiminate any extra trips and aggravation that comes along with it.

On the bright side, the gas prices are no bad and expenses for traveling this winter should be a lot less. I know cheaper gas prices can provide larger profit margins. I guess we all should enjoy that while it lasts, no telling when they will rise again and we dread filling that tank.

We need to also be aware of the number of children that will be on holiday vacation and out and about. Please be cautious in your travels and mindful of the increased traffic and pedestrians moving about. Some will be looking at the cell phones and not paying any attention to what they are doing, please don’t be one of them.

We all want to be safe and happy this season so please be careful. Have a great Holiday Season!