Jerry Lawson

The Inside Story

November 30, 2019

By Jerry M. Lawson, Publisher/Editor-in-Chief

Jerry Lawson headshot

Our industry is constantly evolving. As a contractor, it is vital that you be aware of the various changes you will face in your day to day business.

One of the best places to learn about what’s coming is the annual AHR Expo. All the big names, all the newcomers, will be shown and explained at the big show. This years Expo is expected to be the biggest in history. Your HVAC Insider will be there with our double booth and six or more reporters covering the events and new product introductions. We hope to see you there. We’ll take your photos as you see what’s new and learn many things you need to know.

This years AHR Expo is in Orlando, Florida. That’s a long way to travel for our readers on the West coast. But I believe that you will find it beneficial to your future business.

If you take your family on business trips, Orlando is one of the best locations since Universal and Disney are both located in the central Florida city. The kids will take home fun memories and you will take home valuable trade information. It sounds like a win-win situation.

The Chicago show is more centrally located in mid America, but January and February are pretty nippy up there. To balance the winter discomfort, McCormick place is a fabulous show location. The giant facility can house more displays more events to make your trip worthwhile.

I appreciate your readership and support these past 50 years. Half a century is a long time for any business to succeed. Since I have been a newsman we have gone from melting lead and casting individual letters to the computer age. We now send our text to the printer via e-mail. I am writing this on a Dell computer, one of many various brands and capacities we have here in the Insider headquarters.

Thanks for fifty Christmases serving the trades with important breaking news.

– Jerry Lawson, founder and still publisher.