Editorial, Florida News
From the Inside
Coronavirus has almost completely taken over the news media for some five months, now, no matter what the topic is in discussion. Sports of all kinds, businesses, politics, local, state, and national, including elections, and health are very much the main subjects discussed morning and night to a point of becoming boring. It seems that there is less news being given as fact, and more newspersons attempting to become commentators giving their personal opinions. That is a shame, because what we really want is the truth about what is happening to us, and what is being done in the world’s favor to protect us, and soon as possible.

I don’t go off the deep end in this column very often and I apologize to you for doing so this time, but I feel that today I want to express my feelings about the media outlets. Of course, this does not include the HVAC Insiders, you understand.
The second wave of this monstrous virus has begun to hit the country, and expectations on what restrictions will be put on us have us sitting on the edge of our chairs waiting to hear. Whatever they are, please join in and let’s see if we can cut this problem shorter than the first stage was. I hope and pray that none of you, or your families have been or, will be victims of the Coronavirus. Please stay safe.
We’ll talk again next month.