Editorial, Florida News
From the Inside
The fat season is here again. In fact, it really began back in September with the celebration of Labor Day and it won’t be over until after January 1st when we make the promise that we will immediately start losing weight and never do the over-eating like that again. We already know that resolution won’t last more than a week, if that long. Just thinking about it makes me want some fried chicken and mashed potatoes with gravy for lunch today. I will hold off until after Thanksgiving, then think about it again.

After all, I need to watch out for my health, don’t I?
With the Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s season upon us, as well as the viruses still playing havoc with the world, we all need to be extra careful this year. Not only with our food consumption and weight, but also the over-indulgence of alcohol, speeding and reckless driving. It will be a much better holiday for us all to have everyone arrive home to the whole family safely and happy.
Peter. Denise and I, along with the whole HVAC Insider gang, wish each and every one of you a Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and Happy New year. Please remember that we want to be able to make the same wishes to you next year. We’ll talk again next month.