HVACR Comfort Pro Responding to COVID-19 With Online Classes
Joe Navarra, HVACR Consultant and trainer has responded to the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting social distancing measures by adapting his class to the online format to better serve the HVACR community.

Tyler Nelson, recently attended a class from HVACR Comfort Pro, and reported: “Today was one of the best training presentations I have attended in this industry. It was for continuing education credits for my Master HVACR License for the state of NJ. The class was put on by one of the most knowledgeable people in our field. His name is Joe Navarra and his company is HVACR Comfort Pro. We learned about a multitude of topics including ACCA protocols, duct sizing, load calculations, guidelines for keeping our licenses in good standing and a bit of combustion analysis – a subject very near and dear to yours truly. If you need these credits in NJ I suggest you seek Joe out. You will be happy you did.”
HVACR Board Approved online classes are already being scheduled in April and filling up. Because they are “live” classes, students are limited to fifty students per class.
In order to participate in the online class you need a computer or laptop with a camera, speakers and microphone. Instructions will be sent when you register online for the class.
You can sign up for the discounted online classes at www.hvacrcomfortpro.com/training/, use the discount code COVID19.
Joe is also available as an HVACR consultant. For more information contact him at 848-992-7392, and also visit www.hvacrcomfortpro.com.

Education class for HVAC licensed professionals.