
Indoor Air Quality Technology Company, Global Plasma Solutions, Responds to Coronavirus

March 11, 2020
While this epidemic moves closer to a pandemic, industries are wrestling with how to represent the effectiveness of their solutions in helping to control the spread of this outbreak; misinformation is soaring. The reality is that the newness of this pathogen means that there is limited access to test data or the testable pathogen. At present, we can only reference what we know. 
coronavirusIn 2018, Global Plasma Solutions (GPS) enlisted ELITE rated labs to confirm that within 30-minutes, the GPS patented technology demonstrated substantial reductions of common pathogens. ELITE labs found substantial reductions in each pathogen tested including Clostridium Difficile (C Diff), Staphylococcus (Staph), Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Escherichia coli (E. Coli), and Legionella. 
As a leader in Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) technology, GPS understands the role indoor air plays in the spread of these diseases. Global Plasma Solutions CTO, Charlie Waddell, commented: “We are eager to refresh and expand our 3rd party test data to further demonstrate the effectiveness of our ionization technology.” The company is announcing that another round of testing is being conducted immediately against the largest set of pathogens we have tested to date, including a human Coronavirus, and will test COVID-19 upon availability. 
Just as pathogens evolve, GPS continues to invent new ways to improve indoor air; engineering and testing advanced methods to clean indoor air and reduce harmful threats.  
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