Editorial, Georgia News
Inside Notes: The Way of the Future
The world has never grown at such a rapid rate. Just a little over a hundred years ago we were still washing our clothes in the creek and beating them on a rock. We were using lanterns to illuminate the night and riding horses for transportation. It was like that for thousands of years, but look at us now. We are seeing technology develop with such overwhelming speed that it’s hard for the average person to keep up with all the changes.
The knowledge our children have boggles my mind sometimes when it comes to computers. It’s amazing; they are on a totally different level on many subjects. When I was in school I had a mean librarian and a card catalog. When we got microfish, I thought that I had died and gone to heaven. They are on such a fast track and way ahead of the curve now. Their future will be filled with new ways to look at the world. For example, nanotechnology knowledge is doubling every two years and clinical knowledge every 18 months. Human knowledge is doubling every 13 months.
Our kids are on the front lines of this new digital revolution. Devices, social networks, and media are changing our kids in radical ways – some good and some not so good, but it’s the way of the future.
Hopefully our kids will learn from our past mistakes and can forge a different path for their continuing success in the future. It will be up to them to handle this technological change for the future of the world.
Keep the Faith!