Inside Seer: Re-Opening Around the Country
By Pete Gardner
At the time of this writing things are beginning to open up around the country. People have been social distancing and wearing masks (some) for quite a while now. I believe most people are getting tired of the shut down and are wanting their freedom back. I also believe that this shutdown was absolutely necessary to curb the spread of this awful Covid-19 virus. But the shutdown had its effects on jobs and incomes for businesses and we need to get back on track.

Most of the HVAC/R people I have communicated with are also eager to get back to business and are looking forward to a light re-opening. There is no doubt that for a while things will be different in most businesses and general work routines. Until vaccines will be available and work the way they should, we are in for some strange but necessary changes. That seems like it will be the norm for maybe the rest of this year. I just hope that the re-opening doesn’t make things get worse because people don’t pay attention to the guidelines and rules for staying healthy and not spreading the Covid-19.
In the meantime, please follow the health guidelines and government mandates for the re-openings and stay healthy and productive. Maybe Medical professionals will discover the vaccines that work soon and we can put this all behind us – crossing my fingers!