McCall’s Supply Hosted the Carolinas’ Ruud ProPartner Conference in Myrtle Beach
McCall’s Supply hosted the Carolinas’ Ruud ProPartner conference January 30th and 31st. The conference was held at the Doubletree Oceanfront Resort in Myrtle Beach. Ruud Propartners and a few select prospective partners were in attendance along with representatives from Ruud and McCall’s Supply sales, and management personnel.
The conference began with a reception and awards banquet Thursday evening. After being welcomed by Dairen Jacobs, President and CEO, awards for outstanding performance in 2019 were presented. Four ProPartners received special recognition: Rookie of the Year, Most Improved Partner, High SEER Achievement, and the President’s Award for ProPartner of the Year.
Friday began with breakfast followed by the business portion of the conference. Presenters included Johnathan Dade, Southeast Region Sales Manager, who provided an industry update as well as a discussion of coming changes including efficiency standards and refrigerant changes/ Carrol Basham, Business Development Manager, discussed changes and additions to the Ruud commercial and residential products.
David Utter, Senior Sales Manager, was the key presented and dealt indepth with the success of the ProPartner program. His presentation of the program and the enhancements for 2020 were well received by all.
Carla McCall, Director of Business Operations, addressed the numerous McCall’s exclusive additions to the ProPartner program that add additional value to the offering
The conference concluded with lunch and “thanks for all you do” from Charlie Johnson, Corporate Sales Manager. Special thanks were bestowed on Raymond Rollins, Corporate Marketing and Advertising Manager, for a successful meeting.