Items of Interest
Leveraging Technology for Smarter Dispatching: Proximity vs. Profits
By David Richardson The news media frequently promotes store-bought carbon monoxide (CO) alarms as the first line of defense against CO poisoning. It’s an easy […]
By David Richardson Those who conduct combustion tests regularly understand how frustrating it can be to identify the source of unstable CO (carbon monoxide) and […]
By David Richardson What is the difference between backdrafting and “spillage” in natural draft equipment? These two terms are often used interchangeably even though they […]
By David Richardson When you diagnose combustion safety issues, there are various interactions that can cause unsafe conditions you must be aware of. One interaction […]
By David Richardson Each combustion gas has traits that parallel many behaviors and attitudes people have. Some of them are positive and beneficial, while others […]
By David Richardson If you travel or vacation during the year, you may unknowingly expose yourself to the risk of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. I […]
By David Richardson If you pay attention to the local or national news, you’re probably seen reports about vehicles with remote start accessories that have […]
By David Richardson A problem that will drive any seasoned technician crazy is for the pressure switch in a 90% furnace to intermittently trip on […]
By David Richardson Tracking down combustion problems is like chasing ghosts. They’re invisible. They leave virtually no external indicators. If you’re chasing a ghost, you […]
By David Richardson One of my favorite fictional characters growing up was Sherlock Holmes. Holmes was an extraordinary detective with a gift for finding clues […]
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