The Inside Story
By Jerry M. Lawson, Publisher/Editor-in-Chief
America is Great Again! More Americans are now working than ever before. American manufacturers are coming back home. Our economy is surging upward. Our military is once again the most powerful force on earth. When Donald is re-elected for another four years the sky’s the limit.
He has mentioned we should have a woman on the moon and we should plant our flag on Mars. With our new Space Force all this looks possible.
Our HVAC industry is booming. If you attended the 2020 AHR Expo in Orlando, you saw the exciting new products we now have to make life more comfortable for our fellow Americans.
One of my personal friends is an HVAC contractor. He is always available when we have a need for his excellent services here at the Red Oak Ranch. It just takes him a little longer to work us in. As he says, “It’s like Reaganomics again. There is more demand for our time and services than we’ve seen in years.”
I hope that his experiences are common across the country. The business is there if you want to work for it.
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The bad news these days is the global scare about Corona Virus. It is a real threat to humanity and it is being studied by doctors, scientists and many professionals. Our President Donald Trump has given several talks about the Corona virus. It is expected that a vaccine will be developed soon and antibodies to cure infected patients will also be available.
One great American, Bill Gates, has contributed a billion dollars to fund the cure for Corona. I expect that other patriots will help with finding a cure for this illness.
Our history is full of dreaded diseases that have killed millions of humans. We all are aware of the common flu. There are flu shots available at most pharmacies and doctors regularly advise their patients to take them. I have heard recent reports that state that the current strains of the flu are responsible for 37,000 to 100,000 deaths every year here in the USA.
This recent pandemic is but the latest of the headline scare tactics that the media uses to keep we the people reading their faux news and watching broadcasts of dread.
The following is but a list of recent diseases which we have so far survived:
- SARS in 2004
- AVIAN in 2008
- SWINE in 2010
- MERS in 2012
- EBOLA in 2014
- ZIKA in 2016
- EBOLA in 2018
- CORONA in 2020
I understand that Corona is a hybrid version of the common cold. Most of the fatalities reported have been of elderly or very ill patients. I heard one report that no fatalities of children under 14 years of age have occurred. Still we must take care and try to contain this epidemic.
We will survive once again. God Bless America!