The Inside Story
HVAC Heroes
By Jerry M. Lawson, Publisher/Editor-in-Chief
The men and women who design, manufacture, build, sell, install and service heating and air conditioning equipment have long brought comfort and healthy air for us to breathe. Today as the country begins to reopen from our struggle with the COVID-19 our mission is even greater.
The equipment we supply to America can be instrumental in cleaning the air of our homes and businesses. Every system has some filtration built in, most are merely to stop dust, pollen and insects from circulating through the air we breathe… there is more.
The equipment to scrub the air has been used in hospitals and laboratories for years. Now is the time to educate our customers on the efficiency of better filtration in their daily lives.
The HVAC Insider has asked filter manufacturers to explain their products and benefits in this issue of our newspaper. I strongly urge our readers to examine the possibilities of helping your customers with proven and new filtration equipment.
Most wholesale distributors have access to advanced filtration. While, it is more expensive than bug catchers, it might save small retail stores and cafes from spreading the Covid-19. Anywhere that people tend to gather should be protected.
There are many more steps to be taken in reducing the spread of this horrible disease. Sanitizing surfaces that would be touched by infected persons, maintaining a proper distance from strangers, washing your hands and using hand sanitizers.
If any reader has other ideas, we will print them. Knowledge is the most powerful tool we humans have. Let’s share.