Jerry Lawson

The Inside Story

September 19, 2020

Jerry Lawson headshot

Don’t Give Up!

By Jerry M. Lawson, Publisher/Editor-in-Chief

The pandemic has been hard on all of us but the good news is that our HVAC industry with indoor air quality has grown more important than ever.

We receive e-mailed press releases every day from companies claiming to have just the right product to help you solve the Covid-19 problem. I am sure that many of these news releases are real and worthwhile, but I am cautious about others. I cannot publish all of the so called news releases in your HVAC Insider, so many are from organizations with which we are not familiar. I made a promise more than 50 years ago that we would not print a lie or anything we thought could not be fact checked.

It is obvious to me that many of these news bulletins do not offer any type of support for your contractor news. We do not charge the 116,000 HVAC professionals, to whom we send the HVAC Insider, any subscription fees. The news which we print is free of charge. Our only support comes from the companies who run advertisements in our various editions and thank you to all of those who have supported us through these hard times. This has been true for 51 years now.

Many of our advertisers have been operating on limited office hours since the office staffs have been small or trying to operate from home. Each and every one of which are doing the best they can in these hard times. We at the Insider know their troubles as we are experiencing the same. Yet we have been sending vital industry news to our readers. The ads that you see in our papers are placed by your distributors and manufacturers who truly care about you and want to keep you informed.

I hope that our readers recognize the value of their suppliers who support them through good times and hard. Your Insider will be here supporting all of you as always.

We wish everyone well and hope and pray that this will soon be over.