Florida News
AccuAir’s Mobile Showroom Visits Florida Career College in Tampa
AccuAir representatives brought their mobile showroom to the campus of Florida Career College (FCC) in Tampa, FL to conduct demonstrations for the HVAC program students on March 26 and 27, 2019.

The AccuAir mobile showroom features a fully functional Bard I-TEC, Single Packaged Vertical Heat Pump (SVPHP) with two stage cooling, three stage heating, HGRH dehumidification, Energy Recovery Ventilation, Supply Plenum and Miami-Dade rated hurricane outdoor louver. The units can be provided with a custom finish to match a building’s outdoor façade. AccuAir’s technical staff demonstrated the system’s operation, quietness, versatility and serviceability. Students and instructors were able to inspect the unit and ask detailed questions about the unit’s functions, operational sequences, options, maintenance requirements, costs, and any topics they desired.
Multiple demonstrations were held for night class students on March 26 and day students on March 27. Attendance was limited to 10 students per session to encourage interaction and be more effective. AccuAir provided refreshments, giveaways and technical information to all the attendees.
“Hands-on lab studying is a big part of the FCC students’ learning and it was a natural fit for AccuAir to demonstrate the Bard I-TEC classroom heat pump unit in operation,” stated Frank Suranyi, AccuAir Engineered Products Manager. “The sessions were informative, educational and a lot of fun and, judging by the responses from the students, I know it was mutual.”
Frank expressed a special thanks to Emilio Gelfenstein, (Mr. G) Campus Director & Chair of HVAC Program, Florida Career College and HVAC Instructors Gary Barger, Dwight Bean, Richard Rozecki, Roger LeVasseur and William Adams for helping make the demonstrations a success.
For more information about AccuAir’s services or the mobile showroom, contact Frank Suranyi by calling 407 259-0089 or emailing frank@accuaironline.com.
About Florida Career College
Florida Career College has been preparing graduates for new career opportunities for over 35 years. They offer courses in HVAC, business, health care and administration, information technology, nursing and cosmetology. Their main campus is located in Miami with 9 other campuses in Florida and one in Houston, Texas. For more information about FCC visit their website: www.floridacareercollege.edu.