Georgia News
Annual CAAG Conference March 28-30, 2019 in Savannah
The 2019 CAAG Annual Conference will be held at the newly renovated Marriott Savannah Riverfront Hotel on March 29-30. Put this date on your calendar now, because you won’t want to miss it.

Everyone loves to go to Savannah! The exhibitors and attendees love the open atrium where exhibits are located. You will have the opportunity to enjoy this beautiful setting, learn from industry leaders, and network with other successful industry professionals.
Special room rates have been arranged with standard rooms at $172 and junior suite at $212. When you are making your room reservations, remember, there is a Meet and Greet Reception on Thursday, March 28 and the programs begin on Friday at 11:00 a.m. with the exhibits. The programs end on Saturday at 1:00 p.m. Please make your reservations accordingly. The hotel room cutoff and the registration discount ends on February 23, 2019.
CAAG will be sending out registration forms, so be on the lookout for them.
Programs at Conference
Below are some of the programs we have planned for the Conference. Others will be announced as they are confirmed.
- Industry Update – Bud Mingledorff;
- 3 hr. Training on new Construction Code – Ted Miltiades, DCA and Elaine Powers;
- OSHA & HVAC – Padgett Risk Consultants (well received at Fall Seminar!);
- EPA Energy Star and Energy Star Verified Installation Program – EPA;
- Safety in the HVAC World – Impact Safety.
3rd Annual CAAG Cup
The 3rd annual golf tournament will be held on Friday at 7:30 a.m. at the fabulous Club At Savannah Harbor at the Westin Hotel across the river. This is a championship course you will love to play.
You can also play on Thursday and Saturday but be CERTAIN to sign up. Tee Times will be impossible to get. The green fee and cart is $140.
Registration for golf will also be ready in the next few days. Please come and support your HVAC association that does so much for us in Georgia.