Florida News
Baker Distributing Hosts Grand Reopening of Panama City Branch
Baker Distributing Company/Florida Cooling Supply recently held the Grand Reopening of their Panama City store.
Last October, Hurricane Michael hit the Florida gulf coast with a devastating storm. Some areas of the panhandle were literally wiped off the coast, while other parts were not even touched.
ebuilding will take years to complete. The storm hit the Baker / Florida Cooling Supply branch extremely hard. Even after two-thirds of the building was damaged, within two days after the storm the dedicated team of professionals re-opened for business serving the HVAC community with re-building efforts.
Working out of a big tent in the parking lot, the Grand Reopening was held on April 17. All of the vendors were there with giveaways and door prizes, and a BBQ lunch was provided for all.
Thanks to all the fine folks at Baker Distributing/Florida Cooling Supply and HVAC contractors for all their efforts to the re-building of the Florida panhandle.
Additional photos of this event are available here.