Chuck Leger and Marcus Esprit

Chuck Leger at Goodman Lafayette

September 14, 2019

On July 22nd Chuck Leger was selected to be the manager at the Goodman branch in Lafayette. The store is located at 1811 North University Drive. Chuck is fifty-two years old, has two kids and five grandchildren.

Chuck Leger and Marcus Esprit
Chuck Leger and Marcus Esprit

Mr. Leger has an HVAC background as an offshore technician and carries an EPA card. He also has a background in retail management including being a grocery store manager and most recently being with Home Depot.

Chuck points out that he was a Goodman customer before he went to work for them, and he knows both sides of the counter. He says, “I plan to bring a new air and a new attitude of customer service. I want to help contractors get in and out with the parts and equipment they need as quickly as possible. That way they can maximize their profits and service their own customers in an efficient and timely manner. Thank goodness for Goodman because they allow me the flexibility to achieve my goals.”

Chuck continued, “At my side is Marcus Esprit, a longtime employee of Goodman. Marcus started as a delivery driver and is now a customer service representative. Marcus does a great job taking care of the customers. He makes them his top priority and is always looking for opportunities to say “yes” to whatever it is they need. It is such a pleasure to work with such a positive person.”

You can reach Chuck and Marcus at Branch 360 by calling 337-264-6989.