Florida News
Ferguson HVAC and hilmor Treat Contractors to Lunch During Tool Days
Ferguson HVAC and hilmor teamed up to treat contractors to lunch during “Tool Days” conducted at the Ferguson HVAC stores in St. Petersburg on October 13 and Tampa on October 14. The mid-day events featured awesome food trucks and hilmor tool demos by representatives from hilmor, Diversitech and the McAllister Group manufacturer rep agency. Day-of-event discounts on hilmor tools were offered to contractors as a thank-you for attending.
“It’s nice to see our customer in person after a long year and a half of dealing with the COVID pandemic,” stated St. Petersburg branch manager Jeff Tandberg. “This is a small way of saying thank you for sticking with us over these challenging months. We appreciate everyone for taking the time to visit with us and thanks to Diversitech, hilmor and the McAllister Group for making these events possible.”
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