Remell Pichon with a Solar Supply 2019 calendar

Get Your Solar Calendar for 2019

January 28, 2019

Remell Pichon, manager of the Solar Supply wants to remind all of his customers that he has the 2019 Solar Supply Southeast Sportsman Calendar available for them.

Remell Pichon with a Solar Supply 2019 calendar
Remell Pichon with a Solar Supply 2019 calendar

Remell explained “Every year my customers want a new calendar and they are very particular about it being the Southeast Sportsmen Wildlife Calendar. There’s a different wildlife photo for each month. The photos are great and include about a 100 word description about that particular animal or some aspect related to its behavior. It also provides information on the hunting seasons in a variety of states, in addition to information on the phases of the moon. It even gives advice on the best fishing days, but we all know that there are no bad fishing days.”