How Up to Speed are You on Dehumidification and Mini-Splits?
SELACACI invites you to a program on high efficiency, variable capacity (mini-split) heat pump systems, and how these systems fit into new construction — which should also help with application in existing situations. Design (using ACCA Manual J, S and D HVAC modeling), humidity control, and installation for mini-split heat pumps will be addressed, along with ventilation issues, especially for tighter, higher-performance homes. LSU AgCenter recently hosted a similar program in Baton Rouge, and SELACACI is now bringing it directly to you!
Kimberly Llewellyn is Performance Construction Manager at Mitsubishi Electric Cool-ing and Heating in Austin, Texas. She is an engineer and building sci-ence consultant specialized in high performance HVAC system design, comfort and indoor air quality solutions.
DOOR PRIZE: Mini-Split Bib Cleaning Kit — donated by Carrier Enterprises.
Wed. Feb. 27, 2019
- 5:30 p.m.– Food;
- 6 p.m.- 8:30 p.m. Program.
At: Local 60 (Plumbers Hall), 3515 N. I-10 Service Rd., Metair ie, LA (between Severn & Arnoult, South of Veterans Blvd.)
- $20 – in advance
- $30 – day of event
- $10 – students & officials
Register at or Send checks to: SELACACI P.O. Box 791722 New Orleans, LA 70179.
For more info, contact: or 504-488-2412.
SELACACI’s mission is educational. The organization aims to present programs and promote discussion on topics that are of interest but that are not otherwise adequately covered in the industry. There are no dues or obligations, and the programs are open to anyone.