In Today’s Unstable Economy Maybe It is a Good Time to Change Your Direction
That’s right, commit. There’s nothing wrong with that word because you’ve always liked yourself, but have you made commitments to yourself. Here’s a question: How much time have you committed to improving you, and not your company. Why is that important? Because you are the company. Here are a few suggestions.

In the upcoming year, commit to:
- Refusing to accept anything but the best. It’s a funny thing about life, if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you will get exactly that. Challenge all your friends and family to do the same.
- Eating healthy and exercising. I will live longer and be more productive in business and my personal family life. Besides, what’s more important than my health? Like an old saying: if you have good health, you have your wealth.
- Aim for success and not perfection. I’m not going to be afraid of making mistakes. My past blunders will now be called, learning experiences. I will not give up my right to be wrong. By being wrong, I will learn new things and move forward in my life.
- Smiling more. I’ll spread happiness to others and feel better about myself knowing I’m giving something that everyone truly wants, a friendly smile. My friend Michelle in London is the poster child for this.
- Giving more. I will receive new blessings based on what I give. God’s law is 100% correct because you will reap what you sow. When I say giving, I don’t mean just money. Giving your time, love, friendship is five times more valuable. Why not reap five-times more?
- Taking a risk. “Don’t be afraid to go out on a limb because that is where the fruit is.” I will achieve goals that I once only dreamed about. Trying something new is definitely risking failure, but what is the alternative? You got it, “Success.”
- Celebrate my successes. I won’t depend on others for recognition. I’ll pat myself on the back when things go right. I’ll be careful about judging myself from what others think of me or the way they live their life.
- Listen with the intent to understand, not respond. When others speak I will try to understand what they are trying to say to me. Not in a judgmental way, but with an accepting heart and a willingness to accept it.
About Joel Berkley
Joel is a 40+-year veteran of the HVAC industry including owning and operating his own HVAC company. His talent is assisting contractors with implementing profitable changes, while increasing company stability. Joel is a certified Kentucky CEU provider whose classes qualify for Master and Journeyman HVAC, Master and Journeyman Plumbing and CE Contractor Electrical. Call for upcoming classes and dates, 502-533-4171.