Pete Gardner

The Inside SEER: 2020 Is Over, but What Will 2021 Bring?

January 30, 2021

By Pete Gardner

Let’s visit a little of 2020 which was surely a year to remember. We had and still have a coronavirus going on and at its peak at this point. There was/is lots of confusing information in government, threats and viruses from foreign countries to our cyber security, continual mask-wearing and social distancing, just to name a few things.

Pete Gardner
Pete Gardner

As it is now 2021, to start this year off, there is a slow distribution of some very promising vaccines, an assault on the Capitol Building with division in our political processes, unrest in our population from job loss, along with business shutdowns and more.

I know, that this country is made up of strong, resilient and patriotic citizens. What we need to do now is to unify and solve the challenges that the past year has cast upon us. We need to get back to the lives that we have enjoyed as Americans. We need to care about one another!! Let’s get back to what we like to live, normal lives.

Stay safe and healthy and think positive, we can make it happen.