Florida News
Johnstone Supply The Ware Group Hosts NCI Commercial Air Balancing Class
The Brandon Johnstone Supply Ware Group branch located at 203 Kelsey Lane, Suite A, Brandon, FL 33619 hosted a National Comfort Institute (NCI) Commercial Air Balancing class on October 24 and 25, 2018. Contractors that completed the 2-day course received NCI’s Commercial Air Balancing Certification, among the most recognized certification in the industry.

The Commercial Air Balancing Certification course helps equip HVAC professionals with the knowledge and tools they need to balance commercial HVAC systems up to 20 tons, including kitchen exhaust and make-up air systems.
An increasing number of HVAC and energy professionals are discovering the importance of testing and balancing their installations. Many are also recognizing the opportunity to provide independent balancing services.
dditionally, more code officials, building departments, and utility programs are requiring certified balancing reports for both new construction and replacement-and-renovation work.
NCI Instructor John Puryear conducted the training. “Our Air Balancing training was created from the ground-up based on many years of actual field experience, practical NCI standards, and simplification of often complex engineering concepts and terminology. Contractors are finding that they can differentiate themselves in the market and increase sales and customer loyalty by adding testing, adjusting, and balancing to their service offerings.”
Contact your nearest Johnstone Supply The Ware Group branch for upcoming training opportunities.