Johnstone Supply-Woburn Group Launches into Spring Season
Johnstone Supply’s Woburn and Medford locations launched into spring with their Annual Spring Fling events on May 21 and May 23. Hundreds of HVAC professionals from the region turned out to visit with vendors, enjoy a steak and shrimp BBQ lunch and meet the New England Patriots’ Cheerleaders. In addition, attendees were offered special discounted prices and several door prizes.
The Spring Fling events are an annual event hosted by both Johnstone Supply’s Woburn and Medford locations. “These events are a way for us to thank our loyal customers and to set the stage for the summer cooling season,” says Johnstone Supply-Woburn Group President, Neal Reynolds. “It’s also a time to raise awareness for Operation Homefront, an organization Johnstone Supply continues to support, which assists military families in financial crisis.” Reynolds continued, “once again our partners at Goodman have stepped up and contributed over $2,500 to Operation Homefront.”
Operation Homefront assists military families during difficult financial times for wounded veterans and their families. The proceeds from the 50/50 raffles, a percentage of the profits generated during the spring fling events and continued fundraising efforts at the store locations will be presented to Operation Homefront in early fall. Over the past 6 years the Woburn Group has contributed more than $35,000 to Operation Homefront and this year the group’s goal is to present them with a check for $8,000.
Johnstone Supply-Woburn Group opened in 1992. Since then, they have been serving local HVAC contractors with a variety of products, programs and services that help contractors of all sizes succeed. Johnstone Supply is the top Cooperative wholesale distributor in the country and a recognized national leader in the HVACR industry. For more information go to www.Johnstone-woburn.com.