McCall’s Supply, Inc Commissions Coastal Training Center
McCall’s Supply has announced the opening of their initial training center in Myrtle Beach, S.C. A second center will be ready In Greenville, S.C. by year end.
Each features a classroom for up to 25 students along with a lab featuring fully functional HVAC equipment. In addition to Ruud unitary type products, Samsung HVAC equipment is prominently featured.
“Everything from one to one mini-splits and free joint multis through one and three phase VRF, even heat recovery is installed and operating in the lab” according to Charlie Johnson, Corporate Sales Manager.
In addition to state of the art facilities, McCall’s has three factory trained and certified instructors on staff to ensure contractors a complete, readily available training resource.
We want to own the entire process From training and product selection through layout, piping and startup, we are prepared to assist our customers. Further, two Samsung factory trained TSA’s provide McCall’s customers with immediate local support.
McCall’s Supply Inc is a family owned HVAC distributor serving 3 states from 19 locations for 50 years.