Florida News
New Consulting Division Provides Bold Ideas for Business
Expanding its focus on strategic services that help businesses strengthen their impact, Hollywood, Florida-based AdServices has created a consulting division – Spiced Pepper Strategies (www.spicedpepper.com).

“Spiced Pepper Strategies reflects our desire to share insights that can help organizations achieve major leaps forward with their company cultures, branding and marketing.” explained co-founder Steve Fales.
At the heart of the initiative is a strategic five-step program called “Get Spiced.” With benchmarks that include “Dream On,” “Story Time,” and “Makin’ It Happen,” Spiced Pepper consultants work closely with clients to get a clear picture of pain points and craft plans to overcome obstacles and reach goals.
“You can’t make bold business moves without bold ideas,” Fales observed. “That’s where we see Spiced Pepper Strategies’ value – leading the breakthroughs that open doors to big opportunities.”
The division has already created several client success stories where innovative thinking produced significant results in employee morale, executive development, and sales. For more information call (954) 922-9395 or visit spicedpepper.com.