N FL District General Manager John Higgins congratulates the dealers on their accomplishments
Florida News

North Florida District Trane Hosts Dealer Awards and 2019 Preview Event

April 10, 2019

North Florida District Trane dealers attended a 2018 Pacesetter Awards and 2019 Dealer Preview Event at the Loews Sapphire Falls Resort in Orlando on February 28 and March 1, 2019.

N FL District General Manager John Higgins congratulates the dealers on their accomplishments
N FL District General Manager John Higgins congratulates the dealers on their accomplishments

Thursday’s luncheon and awards ceremony recognized the top performing dealers with Top Ten, Pacesetter and SOAR awards. The SOAR Award recognizes a Top 10 Volume Dealer who has the highest total purchase increase over prior year, highest XL/XV sales increase over prior year, highest ductless sales increase over prior year and the highest Nexia sales increase over prior year.

Two dealers tied for the SOAR award for the first time since the program’s inception: Ed’s Comfort Solutions Inc. and Millian-Aire Enterprises Corporation.
The dealers and guests enjoyed the Universal Orlando Theme park in the afternoon and evening.

Friday’s dealer preview event featured industry presentations, new product introductions, a vendor showcase and informative breakout sessions. The breakouts presented information on:

1) Marketing – driving leads, branding your business, best marketing practices and the Trane Dealer Development Marketing Program.

2) New Products – the Mitsubishi Electric Trane HVAC US joint venture and equipment offering and Trane residential package units.

3) Customer Experience – What winning HVAC dealers have in common and the future of the Trane Brand and strategic partnerships.

A general session and prize raffle drawing concluded the event.

Photos of the Top Achievers are available here.

Photos of the Vendor Showcase are available here.

And, additional photos are available at flhvacinsider.smugmug.com.