Ronningen Receives Samuel G. Torrice Award
The S. G. Torrice Company has awarded Kevin Ronningen the 2018 Samuel G. Torrice Award. Each year, the award is presented to the S. G. Torrice Company employee who best exemplifies the core values of the company and principals that founder Samuel G. Torrice had in mind when he founded the company in 1958.
The S. G. Torrice Company has set five core values for the company: Respect, Whatever it Takes Attitude, Attention to Detail, Continuous State of Self Improvement, and a Sense of Urgency.
Ronningen has shown a commitment to these core values in his daily work as the Trane Field Sales Manager – leading his team of territory managers to a record-breaking year of sales and growth. He also took the lead in helping the company transition from their SHIMS inventory and accounting management system, which has been in use for more than 20 years, to a new management system by Epicor called Eclipse. His tireless work with Eclipse will bring new efficiencies to the company and its’ customers in 2019 and beyond. Kevin was also an integral part in launching the S.G. Torrice Company’s online shopping site – allowing customers to purchase equipment, parts and accessories online as well as view statements and pay invoices online for the first time. Finally, Ronningen has played a role in releasing and hosting the companies new podcast, Torrice Talk, to deliver more information to dealers.
In 2019, Ronningen will serve in his new role as Director of Operations where he will lead and oversee all branch functions across the companies 11 branches.