Zoomlock on the Job in Kenner
The Parker Zoomlock flame free refrigerant fittings are specially designed to work without the need of brazing, which automatically makes a contractor’s job simpler and faster when making copper connections. Besides the huge labor and timesavings, there is no fire hazard. Additionally, the fittings are rated at 700 psi, which is well above the normal operating pressures of an air conditioning system.
At the Kenner Discovery High School job site, I visited Stephen Cavallino of Pontchartrain Mechanical Company. Stephen is the HVAC Job Foreman Kenner Discovery High School job, and he and his crew have been using the Zoomlock fittings to make their copper connections.
Stephen commented, “Zoomlock works great. We have already made several hundred connections and we have had no leaks. We prepare the copper just as we would do for brazing. We then use the measuring tool to ensure that the copper is inserted the proper length into the fitting. After the tool makes the crimp, we check for the RLS stamp and then use the crimp gauge, which tells us go/no go. If you follow the instructions that we were showed in training, then it is a simple, fast and easy process. Another advantage is that the Zoomlock tool is light compared to other crimping style tools and it is easy to handle on a jobsite.”
Stephen continued, “Pontchartrain Mechanical is a great company for which to work. The Zoomlock tool is just one example of how they keep us on the cutting edge of workplace technology. We stay excited about coming to work because we know if there is a better way to get the job done, Pontchartrain Mechanical is going to find it and have us use it.”