AquaMotion Announces New Universal Hot Water Recirculation Replacement Kit
AquaMotion recently announced the new AQUA-FLASH® AMK-UK kit, a superior universal hot water recirculation replacement kit for key brands used with hot water tank systems.

The new universal kit was designed as a replacement for failing competitive valves made of plastic or brass.
AquaMotion® won the Innovation Award at AHR in 2018 for the Most Innovative Plumbing Product, the Aqua-Flash®. The AMH1K-3UV under-sink kit matches the pump output with the valve.
The new AMK-UK brass and stainless valve kit with bi-metal coil provides 90° F hot water to every faucet. It does not require power under the sink. It’s all metal construction eliminates plastic valve problems like cross threading, screens that plug up and offers larger flow.
The AMK-UK has a unique advantage, it can handle larger pump pressures up to 21 ft. hd. and provide quiet operation. The AMK-UK kit includes valve, hose and tee and can be installed quickly onto the cold angle stop. It will work with most competitors’ circulators.
The AMK-UK is a “green” sustainable product that saves homeowners 12,000-15,000 gallons of clean water annually, provides comfort and utility savings with a 1-3 year payback. US designed, US built, and 100% tested, UL, NSF372 approved, Patented and Patent Pending.
For more information, contact: AquaMotion Inc., 88C Jefferson Blvd., Warwick, RI 02888, phone 401-785-3000, fax 401-785-3033, info@AquamotionHVAC.com.