WHVACR 20th Annual Conference: “Go Bold”
225 E. Coastline Dr Jacksonville
FL 32202
Don’t miss the Women in HVACR 20th Annual Conference! We are a national organization of women throughout the HVACR industry.
This event offers exceptional opportunities to grow your network and gain knowledge about the industry.
Who attends? Field technicians. Contractors. Distributors. Suppliers. Service providers. Manufacturers. Educators. Anyone and everyone in the HVACR industry!
Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront
225 E. Coastline Dr
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Ph: 904.588.1234
Venue website: https://www.hyatt.com/en-US/hotel/florida/hyatt-regency-jacksonville-riverfront/jaxrj?src=corp_lclb_gmb_seo_jaxrj
Event website: https://www.womeninhvacr.org/gobold