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HVACR Industry Leaders Unite to Support Education

July 08, 2019

Technological advances are being made at an alarmingly rate in the HVACR industry. This makes it increasingly difficult to start, maintain and sustain a world class HVACR educational program.

A coalition of industry leading organizations established the HVACR Education Resource Network (HERN) to ensure HVACR educational programs have the resources necessary to meet the needs of the ever-changing HVACR industry. These organizations include: American Technical Publishers, Appion, Cengage, Contemporary Controls, Coscia Communications, Daikin North America, DDC Support Services, ESCO Institute, Fieldpiece Instruments, Fujitsu General America Inc., Goodheart-Wilcox Publishers, HVAC Excellence, Hampden Engineering, Green Mechanical Council, Inficon, Microtek, Mastercool, Ritchie Engineering, Spectronics, Techsource Tools, Test Products International, Thermostat Recycling Corporation, Tru-Tech Tools, and Vocademic Solutions.

Working together, this collaborative of industry leading organizations focuses on improving the overall quality of HVACR education, by assisting instructors, administrators, and industry trainers in obtaining the equipment, tools, trainers, curriculum, credentialing, and other necessary resources to build world class HVACR training programs. HERN assembles industry stakeholders that provide the necessary resources (tools, equipment, credentials, curriculum, software, furnishings and more) to meet each HVACR program’s goal and mission. This network can provide schools and other industry training programs with diverse brands of equipment, tools, curriculum, etc., covering various technologies, to prepare students for success in the HVACR industry and meet each HVACR program’s unique goals and mission.

Whether you’re looking to establish a program, take yours to the next level, or interested in becoming an associate member of H.E.R.N., visit escogroup.org and click the H.E.R.N. link.