Morrison Products CEO Megan Fellinger Recognized in Fifth Annual Women of Excellence Awards
Megan Fellinger, CEO of Morrison Products has achieved the Women of Excellence in Metal Forming and Fabricating award from MetalForming magazine. The award honors women for their commitment to excellence and for demonstration of excellence in meeting their workplace responsibilities.

“As a provider of information highlighting metal forming technology and productivity, MetalForming proudly recognizes achievement through our Women of Excellence awards program,” says Brad Kuvin, MetalForming editorial director. “The 2020 class, like those of the previous four years, represents the best of the best, and provides excellent examples and inspiration for those who may follow in their footsteps.”
Fellinger believes the Manufacturing industry is the perfect spot for women who are problem solvers. “It’s a fast paced, ever-changing environment where hard work and creativity constantly are required,” she says. “Businesses with diversity throughout their workforce have proven to outperform in the industry over time,” she adds. “Women are underrepresented in manufacturing today, so the path for success for both you and your future employer is wide open!”
Morrison Products, which also sells under the Lau brand, is a leading manufacturer of fans for the heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning industry. With eight strategically located facilities in two countries, Morrison Products can react quickly to the needs of its customers, shortening the supply chain and saving time and money.