Florida News
S.W. Florida Building Science Symposium Features Dr. Joe Lstiburek
March 26 and 27 are dates you want to mark on your calendar to attend the 2020 Andrew Äsk Building Science Symposium in Bonita Springs, Florida. This two-day seminar and evening networking event (Spring Camp) has a line-up of nationally recognized building science experts covering a range of engaging and cutting-edge topics essential to architects, builders, developers, engineers and specialty contractors.
Speakers include: Dr. Joe Lstiburek, PE, founding principal of Building Science Corporation; Todd DeMonte, Chief Innovation Officer, Madison Indoor Air Quality; Kimberly Llewellyn, Technical lead of Mitsubishi Electric’s Performance Construction Team; Kristof Irwin, PE, M Eng., visionary principal of Positive Energy; Allison Bailes, PhD, Building Scientist and popular Energy Vanguard blog author and Gary Nelson, founder of the Energy Conservatory, creators of the Minneapolis Blower Door.
The Symposium, a 20-year tradition in Southwest Florida, has expanded to a two-day format allowing for more interaction with speakers/experts and other attendees at an informal evening BBQ.
A full list of presentations, symposium schedule and registration information can be found at www.climatezoneone.com or contact the registration office at 727-209-0890.