
May 01, 2024

Editorial, Guest Contributor

Three Ways HVAC Companies Can Prepare for Deepfake Threats

What would you do if a photo implied your employee was stealing from a customer’s home? The damage to the company’s reputation and the potential […]

April 24, 2024

Editorial, Items of Interest, News

Leveraging AI for HVAC Content Marketing by Tara Yukawa

In the crowded HVAC industry, brand awareness and customer loyalty are not just nice-to-haves: they’re essential for survival and growth. The digital marketing landscape is […]

February 17, 2023

Editorial, Items of Interest

Affordable Housing by Paul Stehle

So here we are in 2023.  Every community in Florida is facing similar problems…lots of work…in need of employees…no place for employees to live.  In […]

December 01, 2022

Editorial, Items of Interest

A Dog Story by Paul Stehle

Everyone loves dogs!  OK if not everyone, most people like dogs.  Have you ever noticed that many dogs chase their tail and some catch their […]

September 23, 2022

Editorial, Items of Interest

AS I SEE IT – The Power of Groups...

As many of you who know me are aware, I am a huge believer in the power of groups and associations. My first entry into […]

August 09, 2022

Editorial, Items of Interest

AS I SEE IT – Notice of Commencement By...

For the record…I HATE GOVERNMENT REGULATION !   These regulations are what you get when you send lawyers to do a commonsense job.  That may be […]

July 13, 2022

Editorial, Items of Interest

AS I SEE IT – The Background by Paul...

This column will be a series of stories from a person just like most of you who will take the time to read this.  I’m […]

Georgia Director, Curtis Parrott July 08, 2021


Inside Notes: The Greatest Show on Earth

Like the great circuses of our past, this is the Greatest Show on Earth, or it should be. For over 70 years, governments of the […]

Jerry Lawson June 25, 2021


The Inside Story

I was given a great gift many years ago when my dear friends in the HVAC Industry asked me to be their newsman. My column, […]

Walter Arnett May 01, 2021


From the Inside

The new party of power has been in office for about 100 days and I haven’t noticed any improvement in the country’s problems, yet. Please […]

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